Course Outline

Oral English I
Spring 2016

Instructor: Chris Elvin

Course Description

The goal of this course is to improve communication ability in English.

Class Blog

You should check the blog before coming to class. There may be prints to download, or last minute notices. 

Course Assessment

20% Student directed lesson
20% Class activities portfolio
20% Attendance and participation
20% Mid-term oral presentation
20% Oral speaking final test

Student directed lesson - 20 points: Your group should prepare one lesson. Each student in the group will be given the same score. Students who prepare well, provide stimulating teaching materials, communicate their ideas clearly, and who cultivate enjoyable learning are likely to receive high marks.

Class activities portfolio - 20 points: Please keep all work that you do in class and for homework in a plastic file (vinyl sheet), and hand this in to your teacher at the end of the semester. These downloaded prints will be about recent world history: the 60s, 70s, 80s or the 90s.

Attendance and participation - 20 points: You are expected to attend ALL classes. Each absence will be penalized by a deduction of 3% from your final grade. If you are late, you will be penalized by a deduction of 1% from your final grade. If you are very late, you will be considered absent.

Mid-term oral presentation - 20 points: Your mid-term oral presentation topic will be chosen by your teacher. You may choose to work alone or in a group.  You are required to deliver a 3-4 minute speech per person. The five criteria that you will be judged on are: 1) organization, 2) content (which includes critical thinking and research), 3) fluency, 4) accuracy, and 5) delivery.

Oral speaking final test - 20 points:
You will be asked to talk for two minutes, without interruption, on a random chosen topic. You will be assessed for fluency, grammatical range and accuracy, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

How to fail the course:

S: If you miss more than five classes per semester you will be disqualified.

F: If your score is below 60, you will fail the course. 

Good luck!

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